
This feature is only present on client accounts in which the feature has been activated. Currently this feature can only be activated through a Customer Support user (Hope Trust employee) activating it on Customer Support portal, for on a specific client's account record and their user record. If a client account does have this feature, it will be located across the top of their portal page on the ‘Dashboard’ section of the client account.

There are five different types of requests that a user can submit: ‘Request Money,’ ‘Request Medical,’ ‘Request Food,’ ‘Request Transportation,’ and ‘Request Other.’ Each type of request is used to alert a Care Coordinator that either money, an appointment with a medical provider, a food delivery, a mode of transportation, or a miscellaneous request is needed.

These requests all go through the ‘Tickets’ section of Customer Support and will be assigned to a specific Hope Trust employee based on their current ‘Support Role.’


Each type of request that a user can complete has separate modals that need to be filled out with the required information in order to complete the request by the user. The different types of requests will have different modals each with different information requirements and steps.

The ‘Request Money’ modal requires the user to choose what the money will be used for with a drop-down menu, the amount of money being requested, a write-in section further explaining what the money will be used for, and a drop-down menu to select the urgency of the request.

The ‘Request Medical’ modal requires the user to either select a provider on the client’s account from a drop-down menu or if none exists, the user will be prompted to either create a new provider on the client’s account or select ‘Find me a Provider’ button in which the Care Coordinator assigned to the ticket will find an appropriate provider located near the user. The next step of the modal includes a write-in section to describe the medical issue and a drop-down menu to determine if this will be a medication refill, a medical test, or a medical appointment. The final two steps of this modal include a section where the user needs to input three dates and times that would be appropriate for the user to attend the appointment, and a drop-down menu to select the urgency of the request.

The ‘Request Food’ modal requires the user to select if the delivery will be a from a restaurant or grocery store in a drop-down menu, a write-in section for the name of the restaurant or grocery store, a write-in section to list the needed food items, a delivery date and time, the address where the food will be delivered, and a drop-down menu to select the urgency of the request.

The ‘Request Transportation’ modal requires the user to write in the name of the destination, the address of the destination, the date and time of the drop off, an option to select the date and time of the pick-up (if a return ride is needed), and a drop-down menu to select the urgency of the request.

The ‘Request Other’ modal requires the user to input what the request is for in a write-in section, select the date for the request, and use a drop-down menu to select the urgency of the request.