
Each organization record contains information on the type of organization, the organization’s name, the features that are provided for partners under that organization, and all its corresponding details. All this information can be edited.


To edit an organization record, the ‘Edit’ button on that specific record needs to be clicked. A modal titled ‘Updating Organization’ will display. In this modal the information includes:

The ‘HubSpot Company ID’ is used to link the new organization on the application to its corresponding HubSpot company contact. The ‘Prefix’ is automatically created based on the name of the organization. The ‘Amount Off’ and ‘Percentage Off’ deals with the total discount given to partners and clients who are registered under this organization, and only one of those fields will be present and have data entered. The ‘Duration’ should always be set to ‘Once.’

The ‘Partner Type’ is used to designate what type of partners will be able to be signed up under the organization (i.e., Insurance, Bank, Education, etc.). The ‘Client Features’ will be automatically added upon creation of the organization and will include all the standard features that client accounts created or linked to partners receive. The ‘Domains’ section should include the domains that have been approved and registered under that organization. Having the domains under an organization allows a partner completing account registration to automatically have their partner type and organization chosen for them from their domain.

At the bottom of the form there are two checkboxes that determine if a client account that is created by a partner on this organization have access to the MYTO feature, and if the partners under this organization have the ability to create client accounts. Once the form is edited, the button ‘Update Organization’ needs to be selected.