
Each partner plan record contains information on how partner accounts will be set up in terms of price and features given to them. Each plan can be customized to either a specific individual partner account or as a plan that can be selected by anyone. Each plan can also be customized to a specific organization. Each partner plan record that is listed will display the name of the plan, the cost, any one-time fees, the price ID, any discounts that are built into the plan, the partner type the plan is associated with, how many total accounts are subscribed to the plan, the status of the plan being either ‘Active’ or ‘Inactive,’ and the date when it was created.


To edit a partner plan record the ‘Edit’ button on the partner plan record must be clicked. A modal will display with all the partner plan’s information.

The first information that can be changed on the user plan record is whether the plan is account specific. If the plan is set to be account specific, a partner account can be selected from a drop-down box and chosen. This means that only that specific partner account will have this partner plan available to them to be selected. There is also a checkbox that can be checked off that makes the plan organization specific, meaning that only partners under that organization will have this user plan available to them to be selected. Only one of those checkboxes can be chosen at a time.

The next checkbox determines if the plan will be setup for metered usage. Only plans that are paid must have this box checked, any free plans must have this box unchecked.

The next data fields that can be edited are the actual name of the plan, and the Stripe Price ID. The Stripe Price ID is what connects the plan to Stripe which stores the actual dollar amount for the plan.

The ‘Monthly Cost’ and ‘Initial Charge’ data fields should contain the monthly cost of the plan that would coincide with the price amount on Stripe. Usually there are no initial charges on plans. The data field titled ‘Discount Code’ is where any coupon that is created through Stripe that is automatically built into the plan should be placed.

Trial Days’ can be set if the plan has a set trial period, but most plans are usually set to zero. The checkbox deals with cancellation fees of the plan. All current plans have this box checked off. If the box is checked off new fields will populate the modal which include ‘Contract Length in Months’ and a checkbox that determines if the subscriber will be billed for the remaining amount in the contract should the plan be canceled before the contract’s enforced time limit. All plans should have ‘24’ input into the ‘Contract Length in Months’ field. All plans should also have the checkbox checked for billing the subscriber should the subscription be cancelled early.

The next three data fields are titled ‘Max Cancellations,’ ‘Seats Included,’ and ‘Additional Plan Credits.’ These fields control the parameters of a partner account. ‘Max Cancellations’ are how many plan seat cancellations a partner can use before a canceled seat will cost the partner money and this field is usually set to 5 on every partner account. ‘Seats Included’ are how many client seats (subscription accounts) the partner account is allotted that is covered under the partner’s plan cost and this is usually set to 10 seats on every partner account. ‘Additional Plan Credits’ are how much money per month in additional costs will be charged to the partner’s monthly bill for every seat that is added over the partner accounts allotted seat count. This field is usually set to $50.

The ‘Vault Limit’ data field should be set to ‘5368709120’ on any plans that are free and ‘10737418240’ for any plans that are paid. The next section of the modal deals with features and permissions.

The ‘Features’ data field is where the features for the plan are displayed to the partner who is looking at the plan card in the ‘Subscription’ subsection in their ‘Settings’ section of their account, or what they see when selecting their plan during signup. These can be edited and added to include any custom text.

The ‘Agreements’ data field include any additional agreements that will be included in the partner’s contract. This field is usually left blank. The ‘Permissions’ field allows a Customer Support user to add or remove any permissions that the plan should contain. The data field titled ‘Plan Cost HelloSign Template’ should always be ‘eabb1741106c1e5ad60abb1413196cf9c629175a’. The ‘Default HelloSign Template’ will differ depending on the partner type associated with the plan.

The ‘Additional Contracts’ field reserved for any additional contracts that will be presented to the partner upon subscribing to this plan. This field is usually left blank. The ‘Excerpt’ field should include any text that is pertinent to the plan. The last checkbox determines if the plan is ‘Active’ or ‘Inactive.’ Any plan that is ‘Active’ will be displayed as a plan that can be subscribed to. Any changes done to a user plan record need to be applied and saved once changed by clicking the ‘Update’ button on the bottom of the modal.