
A product is an ‘Additional Service’ available to users to purchase in the application (i.e. concierge services). Each product record contains information on the price of the product and what the product will actually provide. Each product record that is listed will display the name of the product, the type of product, whether the status of the product record is ‘Active’ or ‘Inactive,’ the price of the product, how many users have purchased the product, and the date the product was created.


To edit a product record the ‘Edit’ button on the product record must be clicked. A modal titled ‘Updating Product’ will display. The first data field that is displayed is the ‘Product Type’ which will usually be ‘One Time.’ The title of the product can be changed in the next field. The next field titled ‘Product Slug’ will usually be automatically created based on whatever the entered ‘Title’ of the product is.

The next field titled ‘Stripe Product ID’ is what links this product to the corresponding product in Stripe. This field once created cannot be edited on this modal. The ‘Stripe Price ID’ is what links this product to the actual dollar amount charged in Stripe. This can be changed by entering in a new ID if the actual price of a product is going to change.

The ‘Price’ field is what the actual price of the product will be. The ‘Description’ field should include a detailed description of the product that is being purchased. The ‘Category’ can be chosen from a drop-down list and will differentiate the product from other products in other categories. The ‘Tags’ can be chosen from a drop-down list or be created and will help identify the product for Hope Trust Employees.

The ‘Features’ can be chosen from a drop-down list or be created and will determine what feature on the application this product is providing, if applicable. The ‘Contact(s)’ can be chosen from a drop-down list or be created and will display who will receive the email notification when this product has been purchased. The last checkbox determines if the product is ‘Active’ or ‘Inactive.’ Any product that is ‘Active’ will be displayed as a product that can be purchased in the application. Any changes made to a product record need to be applied and saved once changed by clicking the ‘Update Product’ button on the bottom of the modal.