
This feature allows a Customer Support user to send a notification to any or all users. There are three different types of push notifications. The three types are ‘Success,’ ‘Error,’ and ‘Info.’ Each one will display the notification as a different color to the users who are receiving them. All notifications can be designated to appear on a user’s window in a different location, those locations being the top right corner, top left corner, bottom right corner, and bottom left corner.

The notifications can be sent as ‘Sticky Notifications’ as well, meaning that instead of disappearing after 24 hours like normal notifications, they will remain until cleared by the users receiving them.

Any notification can be sent to however many users are necessary or every single user application wide.


To send a push notification the ‘New Push Notification’ button needs to be clicked on at the top left corner of the ‘Users’ section. The ‘Push’ button next to each user record can be clicked as well if a notification needs to be sent to only that specific user.

Once either button is clicked a modal titled ‘New Push Notification’ will display and in this modal the details for the notification can be specified. The modal includes things to be selected which include:

Clicking the ‘Select All’ button will designate this notification to be received by all users on the application. There are checkboxes on the modal which can be checked on or off that will determine if the notification will be a ‘Sticky’ notification, if the Customer Support user who sent the notification will be named on the notification, if the notification will have buttons that can close the notification, or if the notification will have any custom navigation buttons. If the custom navigation button checkbox is activated, the Customer Support user will be prompted to input what the button text will be, as well as what link the button will send the account user to who clicks it.

The links can be external or internal URLs, such as ‘’ For internal URLs which would be sending the user to a section of their account something like ‘/settings’ could be used.

The last two sections of the modal are where the Customer Support user can input a title for the notification as well as the message that will be inside the notification box. When writing the message for the notification, the option to use merge codes are available. Merge codes that are available for this text include: {{first_name}}, {{last_name}}, {{username}}, {{address}}, {{city}}, {{state}}, {{zip}}, {{gender}}, {{pronouns}}, and {{birthday}}. Inputting one of these merge codes would automatically generate that user’s information into the message in place of the merge code to that specific user.

Once the notification specifications have been set the ‘Push to # users’ button needs to be pushed. The number of users the notification will be sent to will be listed instead of the ‘#’ symbol on the button.