
Each state record contains information on the states registered status including the specific variation in testing protocols that each state will have. All this information can be edited.


To edit a state record the ‘Edit’ button on their state record must be clicked. A modal titled ‘Updating CE Configuration’ will display. In this modal there are fields which may or may not be required depending on the requirements of each state. The ‘Instructor Number’ field is optional, but the ‘Provider Number’ and ‘Course Number’ are not. The ‘Provider Renewal Date’ is optional and will vary on the state if there is a renewal date. The ‘Course Product’ will always be ‘General Life Insurance’ and the ‘Course Name’ will always be ‘An Interdisciplinary Approach to Special Needs Planning.’ The ‘Course Renewal Date’ is another optional field that will vary based on the state. Not all states will have an ‘Introduction Statement Link.’ The ‘Credits Value’ field should always be set to ‘6.’ The ‘Student Attestation’ field always must be completed and across all states this is usually the same except for a few exceptions.

The next two checkboxes that are titled ‘Proctor Required’ and ‘Virtual Proctor Allowed’ are optional and will vary state to state. The ‘Proctor Language’ field must always be completed and across all states this is usually the same, although there are a few exceptions. The ‘Has Coordinator’ checkbox does not always have to be checked off, but if this box is checked off then Les Streitfield’s information must be input in the corresponding fields. The ‘Has Instructor?’ checkbox must always be checked off and then Debbie Niemann’s information must always be entered into those corresponding fields. The last checkbox determines if the state is designated as ‘Active’ or ‘Inactive.’

For more information on each state’s specific requirements, please view the ‘CE Provider’ folder in Dropbox.