
This subsection contains a list of roles that a Hope Trust employee will be assigned to. Each role is broken up to cover multiple topics dealing with Customer Support and the application in general. The roles consist of ‘Technical Support Role,’ ‘Customer Support Role,’ ‘Commerce Support Role,’ ‘System Support Role,’ and ‘Billing Support Role.’

The ‘Technical Support Role’ gets notified of any technical issues, bugs, errors, or exceptions on the application. The ‘Customer Support Role’ gets notified of any new unassigned tickets, ticket comments, and ticket approvals. The ‘Commerce Support Role’ get notified of any product purchases, subscription issues/requests, and commerce related communications. The ‘System Support Role’ gets notified of system-wide metrics, server issues, and fatal errors on the application. The ‘Billing Support Role’ gets notified of any billing issues, processor communications, and invoices. A Hope Trust employee can be assigned to more than one role; however only one employee can be assigned to each role.


To assign a role or change the employee currently assigned to a role, there is a drop-down menu on each role that displays all current Hope Trust employees that can be chosen to fill the role. Any changes done need to be saved by clicking on the ‘Save’ button.