
Each ticket contains information specific to the type of ticket it is. All the information can be edited, or any actions completed within the ticket.


To perform any action required for a ticket or to edit the contents of a ticket, the ‘Edit’ button on a ticket must be clicked. A modal titled, ‘Updating Ticket’ will be display and the contents in the ticket can be edited and any actions that need to be performed can be done. The information in the modal will change depending on the type of ticket submitted.

All tickets will have the following information:

The ‘Assignee’ field can be utilized to assign the ticket to a Customer Support user who needs to see or complete an action for the ticket. If a ticket is assigned to a Customer Support user, they will automatically receive an email informing them that they were assigned to a ticket.

The data fields titled, ‘Domain’ and ‘Domain Approved’ are the most interacted with ticket fields and they are present on domain approval tickets. The ‘Domain’ field should include the domain the partner is trying to register with on their partner account. The ‘Domain Approval’ field contains a drop-down box that can contains ‘Approved,’ ‘Declined,’ and ‘Cleared.’ Any domain that needs to be approved should be set to ‘Cleared’ on the ticket.

The last three fields on every ticket include ‘Notes,’ ‘Ticket Status,’ and ‘Comments.’ The notes section can be utilized to leave notes on the ticket by Customer Support users that relate to the ticket. The ‘Comments’ section of a ticket can be used to leave comments on the ticket for another Customer Support user or if the ticket is a Care Coordination request ticket, the comments can be used to communicate to the user who submitted the request.

The ‘Ticket Status’ field will always be set to ‘New’ anytime there is a new ticket submitted. The other status options in the drop-down menu include ‘Open,’ ‘Pending,’ ‘Solved,’ and ‘Closed.’ The status ‘Open’ should be used when a ticket has been opened to be viewed, but the task required of the ticket has not been started. The status ‘Pending’ should be used on a ticket that is currently being worked on or the task associated with the ticket is currently being completed. The status ‘Solved’ should be used when the ticket requires an action such as a domain approval ticket and that action has been completed. The status ‘Closed’ should be used for tickets that do not require an action such as an account created ticket.