
The ‘Tickets’ section of Customer Support will display the full list of all tickets that have been created on the application. Each ticket will display the type of ticket, the title of the ticket, the user the ticket relates to, the account that the ticket relates to, the plan that the account is on, the priority of the ticket, the assignee of the ticket, the status of the ticket, and the date which the ticket was created. This page allows a user to filter through or search through all tickets that have been submitted and edit any specific ticket.


All tickets that are created will automatically have their assignee be set to ‘Unassigned’ until a Customer Support user goes into the ticket and sets themselves as the assignee or will be automatically set as assignee if they make any changes to the ticket. Tickets will be automatically created if a client submits any type of request for service, if a partner’s domain needs to be approved, if any additional services are purchased, if any type of account is created, if a permission change is requested, or if a client account is added to a partner’s subscription seat. Tickets that require some type of action to be performed by Customer Support users are domain approval tickets, permission request tickets, and any type of request for service tickets. All tickets regardless of if an action is required, need to be assigned and closed.

For more information on this please see the Ticket Interactions section of this ReadMe document.